Sunday, August 4, 2013

Interview: Andy (School of Attraction student)

Andy is one of the most popular School of Attraction students in recent history – most likely because of his fun and friendly personality, his generosity in helping and supporting others and his ongoing presence on the School of Attraction members forums.
I first met Andy towards the end of his Masculine Confidence Intensive Course and could see straight away that he had a lot of potential for success with women and I am happy to have been able to help him further along his journey through the Day Game Mastery and Phone and Text Mastery courses and to eventually see him reach a point where his journey is basically complete and he can now pickup and sleep with girls relatively easily for the rest of his life.
Andy’s story is very much a story of perseverance, long term focus, massive action, embracing his natural strengths, overcoming his sticking points and enjoying the company of many beautiful women along the way as you’ll read below.

DayGameAdam: Please tell us a bit about your previous history with women and what made you want to join School Of Attraction’s Masculine Confidence Intensive course?
My previous history with women pre-SOA was a bit of a mixed affair. It wasn’t that I was hopeless with women, I had 2 relationships that put together lasted 4 years. I had slept with a few attractive women as well but I had also slept with a lot of women that I probably shouldn’t have. I didn’t have high standards for myself and I couldn’t spot attraction. I was always unsure whether women liked me or not and I relied heavily on alcohol to talk with women. So the main reason for me joining SOA was to educate myself in how to become more confident with women, spot the signs of attraction and know what to do seamlessly after that.

DayGameAdam: Being able to seduce women without needing alcohol is a very powerful thing. For other guys that would like to try and remove the need for alcohol from their game, can you please tell us a bit about your experience with eliminating alcohol? Any tips and advice for others?
It’s a very powerful and rewarding experience. I remember the idea of going out and not drinking alcohol was completely foreign to me. I used to think that I needed “Dutch courage” to loosen up and get my mouth going but this eventually proved to be a limiting belief that I changed. I used to go out and party quite hard and just let loose while continuing drinking into the small hours. By that point if anything happened with a woman it was more by luck or chance than skill!! But I knew this dependence on alcohol was no good so I started to cut way back and viewed it as a matter of personal pride to be able to pick up with out alcohol and build up my natural confidence. The way I started to eliminate alcohol was to allow myself 5-6 beers on a night out with friends then gradually lower that to 3-4 then 1-2 and eventually none. It’s a fantastic experience seducing a women knowing that you and only you is responsible for what is happening – no alcohol or acting differently or anything else other than being your normal self to get a women in bed with you. For the last 9 months I haven’t had any alcohol whatsoever and my life has completely transformed for the better.

DayGameAdam: One thing that I really respect about you is that you had a very long term approach and no matter what happened you stayed on track and just kept making steady improvement until you eventually became extremely good with the whole seduction process. How important do you think having a long term focus was and what tips do you have to other guys that may usually struggle with staying on track over a longer period of time?
I think for me personally to maintain my steady progress I had to switch off to the success some of the other guys were having. Although I was happy for these guys, it was also a little disheartening to read other blogs and hear how other guys were being successful. Though in my mind I knew that if I consistently worked towards what I wanted that I would get there. In the beginning I was a massive fan of 30 day challenges where I would pick a specific area I wanted to improve on and work hard on just that subject for the next 30 days. I did this for approaching, connecting, building rapport, qualification (which was my favourite subject to do!). Also, I would advise new guys to remember why they are doing this as some guys can get carried away with the whole “game” thing and can lose perspective. Its easier to stay motivated and focused when you know what your overall goal is and what you really want from the course.

DayGameAdam: I agree that focusing on areas you need to improve and having a strong end point you are working towards are crucial for success in this game. I know some guys can achieve massive success in as little as three months or less but in general I think about one year is a more realistic time frame. How long did your journey roughly take and at what point did you realise you had achieved your goals?
I think the one year mark is spot on. Through my journey I watched many people hit massive highs after 2-3 months and then…….. nothing would happen to match those initial high points for a while so it would even itself out with some of the other guys who, having not had that initial success were still steadily on their way to achieving their end goals. I remember totally sucking on a few of my practicals and struggled badly to approach but still had high points where I got a Same Night Lay in the Ivy on my 4th practical only to then not feel like that again for a while. I think by the 7-8 month maek I had started to notice a mental shift happening in my attitude and ability and by the 10 month my journey was nearly complete. By the 1 year mark I had 2 lovely casual girlfriends and was confident in myself and my ability with women.

DayGameAdam: I think your personality is extremely well suited for Day Game as you are naturally a very friendly and charming guy. What advantages did you find with Day Game in terms of the types of interactions you had and the type of girls you met and any other things that you found particularly good about Day Game?
Firstly the main reason I liked Day Game was the fact that I could be more natural! I love meeting and connecting with someone and genuinely complimenting them. It is not fake, I don’t do it when I don’t mean it and it’s this aspect I enjoyed most about it. I also liked cutting through all the crap that can go with night game and having more spontaneous interactions. I also go for very sweet girls and tend to be attracted to shy girls as well which I struggled to find at night time. Though that is no slate on nightgame as I enjoyed it to an extent as well and I will be looking at mastering it this year too. I might add the other great thing about Day Game is that now I can incorporate it in to my everyday life and I no longer have to set aside time to go out and “game”. For example, yesterday I got on the wrong bus, got off and spoke to a hot girl at the bus stop and today I was on a date with her. It’s becoming seamlessly part of my everyday life which was my ultimate aim.

DayGameAdam: Another thing I enjoyed about watching your journey was seeing how many fun dates you had. A lot of guys seem to be too “approach focused” and as a result they miss out on dating some lovely girls and getting good at dating. Can you tell us a bit about how many dates you were having per month at your peak and how it helped complete your game? Any tips for guys who want to date more?
I can’t remember exactly but I was averaging around 3-4 dates per week and I remember in October I had 14 dates with 8 different girls. These days I’m all about dating!! The less effort and time I spend on approaching the better for me as I personally love dating.
The benefit you get from dating lots of different girls is that;
1. You become more confident and natural around women
2. You spot attraction and calibrate much faster which in turn helps you notice attraction everywhere!!
For me, it’s the most fun part as well because of the connections you make with women and the awesome time you have with them too. I definitely feel that by dating lots I became extremely comfortable around women and it took me from “fake it until you make it” to “I’ve made it” the point where you become naturally confident and it comes across to women. They can spot a genuinely confident guy and it makes it easier during the whole meet to sleep process.
If I could give guys just one tip to really help them to date more it would be this: “burn numbers into the ground!!” meaning push every number to it’s absolute truth and don’t be afraid about losing her in the process as you will learn more by pushing it to the limit rather than playing it safe. I remember there was a nurse that I met and from the day I approached her to our first date it was about 4 months!! But I pushed that number to the limit and persisted with it!! I did this with lots of numbers for numerous reasons.
These reasons being;
1. It was awesome practice for my phone game and it made me become a very persistent guy, which women like and respect
2. I learned that girls are busy, like hot girls are even busier than me and I have lots of interests. But by recognising this it helped me to not give up and build up my resolve even more to get them out on a date
3. Just because a girl won’t come out on a date straight away or doesn’t return all of your texts doesn’t mean she isn’t interested or can’t be persuaded to come out.
Remember not to take any of these things personally or to heart.

DayGameAdam: From what I saw, prior to joining SOA you had a lot of potential but you were perhaps just lacking a bit of confidence, direction and strategy and I consider you now to be at an elite level in terms of pick-up and seduction (and relationships). What would you say were some of the biggest lessons that you learned along the way and how helpful were the Scool of Attarction courses, coaches, mentors and community to helping you to achieve your potential?
One of the biggest lessons I learned was the art of DISCRETION. When you can master this, and not get carried away by your success or feel the need to boast then you realise that dating multiple women isn’t as impossible as you thought then you have it sussed! Another big lesson I learned was being PERSISTENT! By this I don’t mean be impossible to shake off and be creepy. Being irresistibly persistent got me more places and more dates than just giving up because the girl wouldn’t give me her number first time or she never replied to 2-3 of my texts, I would keep pushing in a playful way until I either got them out on a date or I was satisfied that I had done everything I could. Damien and yourself were both very influential in installing this mindset into me and I remember how much it helped with my phone game as well.

DayGameAdam: My hope for almost every School of Attracttion student is that they will date enough girls to eventually find a girl (or girls) that is their ideal partner and they make them their girlfriend. You met and dated some lovely girls during your journey. Did you find having one or two main girls to be enjoyable and can you tell us a bit about the relationships you eventually developed and how rewarding that was for you?
I had a lot of fun on my dating journey and really still enjoy the dating side of things. I ended up getting into semi-committed relationships with two lovely girls towards the end of 2011. Both girls were so completely different to each other but both were incredibly sweet and caring girls. Having relationships with these two girls was incrediably rewarding and enjoyable and I learned a lot about managing multiple girls and different relationships while seeing these girls as I dated them at the same time with some girls in between. The relationship I had with girlfriend number one was fantastic, she was beautiful, caring, lots of fun and amazing in bed! Unfortunately after a few months of dating her she had to return home and it was quite sad as we were and still are very much in love with each other. We stay in touch and still talk on the phone each week. I’m actually hoping to spend Christmas with her this year and travel a little with her too. With girlfriend number two, it took me 5-6 weeks to seduce and sleep with her. It was a great reward to keep pushing forward and not give up with her. That was 6 months ago and I still see her every week, normally just one day a week where we have a lot of fun and we still go on adventure dates and do romantic dates with each other but this relationship takes very little managing and leaves me free to persue other girls and other things that I want in my personal life. It’s all amazingly simple and easy now with her.

DayGameAdam: I remember there was a point where you were scared of one of your girlfriends falling in love with you so you very nearly broke up with her. I remember being very glad that you eventually decided to stay with her at that time. Can you explain a bit about what your thoughts where at that time and if you think you made the right decision to stay with her and why?
To be honest at that point I hadn’t realised how far I’d come, how much I had changed and where I was! I was scared of becoming inactive and thought my journey wasn’t complete. I thought that I would have to seduce 20+ hot women to prove over and over to myself that I had this ability for life and at that time I felt that getting too close to her and not perusing any new girls that I might go backwards. But when I thought about it, looked closely at what I had done, where I was at and the way that I felt I knew that I already had this ability and what I had learned was never going to leave me. It was a realisation that I was glad I made as I loved every second I spent with her and would never exchange that feeling of having someone really love and care for me and for me to feel the same way back. It’s far more rewarding that a one night stand or casual thing.

DayGameAdam: Looking back over your journey and seeing how far you’ve come from being a bit unsure of how to pick-up women when you first joined School of Attraction to now having a high level of skill and excellent understanding of the seduction process and having some beautiful girlfriends and an abundance of sex and romance in your life, how does it feel to be where you are now and how proud of yourself are you for making your journey a successful one?
I can whole heartedly say that joining School of Attraction was one of the best decisions of my life. It started off as a journey of becoming confident and more successful with women of a higher calibre, and became a never ending journey of self improvement. The things I have learned, the amazing people I have met on the way and the way the course opened up my eyes to just what can be achieved and learned if you dedicate your time and focus to something are all invaluable. I think that every guy that joins School of Attraction, regardless of where they finish should be proud of themselves for having the courage to sign up for something like this because it takes a lot to admit you need help in this area. The funny thing is I’m probably most proud of the way I was able to help other people, and pass on what I had been taught to them. I’m not saying every guy benefited from spending time with me but there were one or two guys that I mentored that I managed to make a big difference to and they actually proved to be the most satisfying moments for me.

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