Sunday, August 4, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Meet 30 Women In 30 Days

PROBLEM: not meeting enough women and/or lack of momentum
CHALLENGE: meet at least 30 women in 30 days and write about every interaction
One of the most common 30 Day Challenges I recommend to guys is the “meet 30 women in 30 days” challenge.
This challenge requires one to meet and attempt to pickup at least 30 women in a 30 day period and it is a great way to either start in the game or to get back into the game as it can help to build some serious momentum.
If you do take on this challenge you can choose to either spread out of the 30 days in one approach a day type of deal or it can be done in a few blocks throughout the month. Either way is fine.
You can also meet girls in a variety of ways from night game to day game to speed dating etc.
As always, I recommend you keep a record of your progress while doing this challenge and literally write as much as you can about what happens during it. Then at the end of the month, assess your progress and decide you next plan of action.
If you do undertake this challenge, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to give you some helpful feedback.

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