Sunday, August 4, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Close Everything

PROBLEM: not asking for numbers often enough
CHALLENGE: ask for her number every time an interaction goes for more than a set period of time (e.g. 3 minutes for Day Game and 10 minutes for Night Game)

Once guys get good at approaching, one of the next sticking points many of them have is not asking for numbers often enough.
I actually used to do this a lot myself and it used to frustrate me greatly. I think there’s an element of “I don’t want to wreck what we have by asking for her number and getting rejected” which is complete and utter nonsense and must be eliminated from our thoughts. Keep in mind that if you don’t ask for her number that she will walk out of your life and you will never see her again.
The way to fix this problem is to create a new habit of asking for her number every time an interaction goes for more than a few minutes (or whatever time period you specify that makes sense for the types of interactions you usually have).
It doesn’t matter if she’s girlfriend material or if she lives a bit far away or if she’s leaving in a few months, all that matters is that you attempt to close every time. Build this habit and good things will happen.
As always, I recommend you keep a record of your progress while doing this challenge and literally write as much as you can about what happens during it. Then at the end of the month, assess your progress and decide your next plan of action.
If you do undertake this challenge, feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to give you some helpful feedback.

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